Category Archives: Invasive species

Convention on Biological Diversity, COP 10

The 10th meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) has begun, with representatives from over 190 countries gathering in Nagoya, Japan.  Some of the main issues that will be discussed at COP include  access and … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Environment, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge, International, Invasive species, Legislation, Livelihoods, Neglected and underutilised plants | Leave a comment

Invasive species in Europe

We had the good chance to see a short but informative video on Euronews yesterday that discussed invasive species in Europe. It highlighted the problems that Spanish farmers are having with such exotic species as zebra mussels. These mussels reproduce … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Environment, Highlighted websites, Invasive species | Leave a comment