Category Archives: International

New book published: Farmers and plant breeding: current approaches and perspectives

Tveitereid Westengen, O.; Winge, T. (2019) Farmers and plant breeding: current approaches and perspectives. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Oxon (UK): Earthscan for Routledge 354 p. ISBN: 9780429507335 Permanent link to cite or share this item: External link to download this … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Food system, International, Legislation, Policies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Just released: Bioversity International Annual Report 2018!

Citation Bioversity International (2019) Bioversity International Annual Report 2018. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International 16 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-137-7  Permanent link to cite or share this item: External link to download this item: ​​ Abstract The Annual Report contains highlights of Bioversity International … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, DIETS, FOOD SECURITY, International, Research | Leave a comment

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework Crop Science. ISSN 0011-183X.  Published online 04 Apr 2019. 14 p. Noriega, I.L.; Halewood, M.; Abberton, M.; Amri, A.; Angarawai, I.I.; Anglin, N.L.; Blummel, M.; Bouman, B.; Campos, H.; Costich, D.; Ellis, D.; … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, International, Legislation, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

New book: Agrobiodiversity and the law

The Agrobiodiversity Grapevine is very happy to introduce our guest blogger, Dr. Juliana Santilli who will be discussing her recently published book “Agrobiodiversity and the Law: regulating genetic resources, food security and cultural diversity” Dr. Santilli is a lawyer and a … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Genetic resources, International, Legislation, Livelihoods | 2 Comments

The Economist: special report on feeding the world.

Inside the 26th February issue of The Economist our readers will find a 14 page special report on the future of food. The report: “The 9 billion-people question“ tells us that the world’s population will grow from the almost 7 … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Environment, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Human health, International, Livelihoods | Leave a comment

2nd State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Report published

The FAO launched the 2nd State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture report (SoWPGR-2) yesterday. This second report provides a comprehensive overview of recent trends in PGRFA conservation and use around the world. It is based … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Crop wild relatives, Environment, Genetic resources, International, Neglected and underutilised plants | 1 Comment

Convention on Biological Diversity, COP 10

The 10th meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) has begun, with representatives from over 190 countries gathering in Nagoya, Japan.  Some of the main issues that will be discussed at COP include  access and … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Environment, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge, International, Invasive species, Legislation, Livelihoods, Neglected and underutilised plants | Leave a comment

2nd stop of the Biodiversity World Tour: speak to the experts

Our readers might not be aware that there is a Biodiversity World Tour currently underway. This is a global campaign to engage citizens from around the world in a discussion on how agriculture can protect and preserve our natural resources.  … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Environment, Farmers, International, Livelihoods | Leave a comment

Biodiversity declines

The loss of  habitat and species continues, as the last issue of the Science magazine reported: Science, 10 September 2010 (Volume 329, Issue 5997)  News Focus Despite Progress, Biodiversity Declines After failing to meet its major conservation goal, the … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, International, Research | Leave a comment

GCARD Conference 2010

The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development will convene experts in agricultural research for development, including World Food Prize Laureates, government ministers, farmers, community development experts and leading scientists in Montpellier, France, March 28-31, 2010. This event will be … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, Farmers, International, Livelihoods, Research | Leave a comment