Category Archives: Indigenous knowledge

New book: Food Security and Climate Change

Food Security and Climate Change Shyam Singh Yadav (Editor), Robert J. Redden (Editor), Jerry L. Hatfield (Editor), Andreas W. Ebert (Editor), Danny Hunter (Editor) ISBN: 978-1-119-18064-7 – February 2019 – Wiley-Blackwell – 568 Pages Permanent link to cite or share this item: DOI: The book … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, FOOD SECURITY, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

New publication reveals that farmers are the best source for conservation practices

How do we conserve the amazing diversity of tropical fruit trees in a way that brings benefits to the people who look after them? Why don’t we ask the farmers? That’s exactly what the researchers and editors of the latest … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

New book: ‘With Our Own Hands’ Celebrating food and life in the Pamir Mountains

“This beautiful book highlights the critical role of the people of the Pamirs as custodians of their food, seeds and traditions. In a supremely challenging landscape, they guard the origins and diversity of many of the foods that are now … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Farmers, FOOD SECURITY, Indigenous knowledge | Tagged | Leave a comment

New book: Custodians of Biodiversity

Earthscan and IDRC have recently co-published the book “Custodians of Biodiversity”  edited by Manuel Ruiz and Ronnie Vernooy. This interesting book outlines the policy mechanisms that are currently underway to protect local genetic resources and related traditional knowledge at both … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Farmers, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge, Legislation, Livelihoods | 1 Comment

Bioversity staff paper: Indigenous fruit trees in Kenya

Interested in research on indigenous fruit trees? Then this recent paper authored by Bioversity staff and partners will be to your liking: – Fukushima, T.; Morimoto, Y.; Maundu, P.; Kahindi, B.; Fondo, J.  (2010) Local preference of indigenous fruit trees … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity staff research articles, Farmers, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

Convention on Biological Diversity, COP 10

The 10th meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10) has begun, with representatives from over 190 countries gathering in Nagoya, Japan.  Some of the main issues that will be discussed at COP include  access and … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Environment, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge, International, Invasive species, Legislation, Livelihoods, Neglected and underutilised plants | Leave a comment

ICIMOD case studies on mountain biodiversity

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) recently wrote to us highlighting an initiative they have taken on whereby they are collecting case-studies on mountain biodiversity-related initiatives (with focus on success stories) in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region.   They … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Environment, Indigenous knowledge, Livelihoods | Leave a comment

Latest SCN News focuses on climate change and nutrition

The latest edition of the United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition’s SCN News is available and downloadable from their website. The theme of this issue is: Climate Change: food and nutrition security implications. This publication looks at the climate change … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change, Food & Nutrition, Indigenous knowledge, Livelihoods | 1 Comment

Using agrobiodiversity to adapt to climatic change

  If you’re interested in knowing how traditional farming communities go about adapting to climatic change, you will be happy to know that The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) has released a new publication  titled “The use of agrobiodiversity by … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Farmers, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge, Livelihoods, Research | Leave a comment

Settimana della Biodiversita’

As part of the celebration for the International Year of Biodiversity, Bioversity International and its partners are hosting the festival “La Settimana della Biodiversità” that will run from the 20-23 May in Rome, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Environment, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Indigenous knowledge, Livelihoods | 1 Comment