Category Archives: Crop wild relatives

Just published: The role of women in production and management of RTB crops in Rwanda and Burundi: Do men decide, and women work?

Citation Okonya, J.S.; Mudege, N.N.; Rietveld, A.M.; Nduwayezu, A.; Kantungeko, D.; Hakizimana, B.M.; Nyaga, J.N.; Blomme, G.; Legg, J.P.; Kroschel, J. (2019) The role of women in production and management of RTB crops in Rwanda and Burundi: Do men decide, … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Gender, Research | Leave a comment

Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security.

Padulosi, S.; Sthapit, B.; Lamers, H.; Kennedy, G.; Hunter, D. (2018) Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1205 p. 21-34 ISBN: 978-94-62612-00-6 Permanent link to … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Food security, Neglected and underutilised plants, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Are agricultural researchers working on the right crops to enable food and nutrition security under future climates?

This study examined how crop-specific agricultural research investments can be prioritised to anticipate climate change impact on crops and to enable the production of more nutritious food. We used a simple crop modelling approach to derive expected future changes in … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Climate change, Crop wild relatives, Food & Nutrition, FOOD SECURITY | Leave a comment

New series: Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity

Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity is the new series that has recently been published by Earthscan in association with Bioversity International. The aim of the series is to review the current state of knowledge in topical issues in agricultural biodiversity, to … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Economics, Food & Nutrition, Genetic resources | Leave a comment

Video: Unlocking the secrets of crop wild relatives

A new video about crop wild relatives and their importance to agricultural biodiversity and climate change adaptation is now available for viewing on the Crop Wild Relatives Global Portal. What are Crop Wild Relatives? In very general terms, Crop Wild … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Climate change, Crop wild relatives, Food & Nutrition, Genetic resources | Leave a comment

Bioversity staff research article: Red List assessment of nine Aegilops species in Armenia

Red List assessment of nine Aegilops species in Armenia Haruntyunyan, M.; Dulloo, M.E.; Yeritsyan, N.; Danielyan, A. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution: V. 57 (8) p. 1177-1189. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-010-9558-4 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE The aims of this study are to determine … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Genetic resources, Research | Leave a comment

2nd State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Report published

The FAO launched the 2nd State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture report (SoWPGR-2) yesterday. This second report provides a comprehensive overview of recent trends in PGRFA conservation and use around the world. It is based … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Crop wild relatives, Environment, Genetic resources, International, Neglected and underutilised plants | 1 Comment

Crop wild relatives in protected areas

Guarding the grain – Crop wild relatives in protected areas. Conserving together: the challenges of establishing protected areas for the in situ conservation of crop wild relatives in five mega-diverse countries by Teresa Borelli, Bioversity International Click here to read … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Environment, Genetic resources, Livelihoods | Leave a comment

New books – March 2010

Here is a a selected list of new titles that we have at Bioversity HQ Library.  Enjoy! 5845 Andersson, M.S; de Vincete, C. (2010) Gene flow between crops and their relatives. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. xv, 564 … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Library, Climate change, Crop wild relatives, Economics, Environment, Food & Nutrition, Genetic resources, Legislation, Livelihoods, Research | Leave a comment

European landraces: new publication

A new technical bulletin has recently been released by Bioversity that looks at European landraces. The authors first establish the context of European landrace diversity conservation and use; and reviews how landrace inventories can be generated, using practical examples of … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Crop wild relatives, Genetic resources, Research | Leave a comment