Category Archives: Bioversity staff research articles

New journal article: What is out there? a typology of land restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

Coppus, R.; Romijn, J.E.; Méndez-Toribio, M.; Murcia, C.; Thomas, E.; Guariguata, M.R.; Herold, M.; Verchot, L. (2019) What is out there? a typology of land restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Environmental Research Communications 1(4): 041004. ISSN: 2515-7620 … Continue reading

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New journal article: Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya

Boedecker, J.; Odhiambo Odour, F.; Lachat, C.; Van Damme, P.; Kennedy, G.; Termote, C. Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya. Maternal and Child Nutrition e12803, 12 p. ISSN: 1740-8695 Permanent link to cite or … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, DIETS | Leave a comment

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework Crop Science. ISSN 0011-183X.  Published online 04 Apr 2019. 14 p. Noriega, I.L.; Halewood, M.; Abberton, M.; Amri, A.; Angarawai, I.I.; Anglin, N.L.; Blummel, M.; Bouman, B.; Campos, H.; Costich, D.; Ellis, D.; … Continue reading

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New book: Food Security and Climate Change

Food Security and Climate Change Shyam Singh Yadav (Editor), Robert J. Redden (Editor), Jerry L. Hatfield (Editor), Andreas W. Ebert (Editor), Danny Hunter (Editor) ISBN: 978-1-119-18064-7 – February 2019 – Wiley-Blackwell – 568 Pages Permanent link to cite or share this item: DOI: The book … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, FOOD SECURITY, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security.

Padulosi, S.; Sthapit, B.; Lamers, H.; Kennedy, G.; Hunter, D. (2018) Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1205 p. 21-34 ISBN: 978-94-62612-00-6 Permanent link to … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Food security, Neglected and underutilised plants, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science

van Etten, J.; de Sousa, K.; Aguillar, A.; Barrios, M.; Coto, A.; Dell’acqua, M.; Fadda, C.; Gebrehawaryat, Y.; van de Gevel, J.; Gupta, A.; Kiros, A.Y.; Madriz, B.; Mathur, P.; Mengistu, D.K.; Mercado, L.; Mohammed, J.N.; Paliwal, A.; Pe`, M.E.; … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, Food security, Research | Leave a comment

Are the old International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) base collections available through the Plant Treaty’s multilateral system of access and benefit sharing? A review

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, pp 1–20 Imke Thormann, Johannes M. M. Engels, Michael Halewood 1. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy 2. Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Bonn, Germany Open Access: Abstract In 1975, the International Board for Plant … Continue reading

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New publication reveals that farmers are the best source for conservation practices

How do we conserve the amazing diversity of tropical fruit trees in a way that brings benefits to the people who look after them? Why don’t we ask the farmers? That’s exactly what the researchers and editors of the latest … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Genetic resources, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

Using traditional crop varietal diversity to reduce pest & disease damage in agricultural ecosystems

Much of the worlds’ annual harvest loss to pests and diseases occurs as a consequence of crops grown in monocultures, or cultivated varieties with uniform resistance. This uniform resistance is met by the continuing evolution of new races of pests … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Pests and Disease, Research | 1 Comment

Plant domestication & genetic resources in Benin

A recently published research paper authored by Bioversity scientists: Vodouhè R.; A. Dansi; H. T. Avohou; B. Kpèki and F. Azihou (2011)  Plant domestication and its contributions to in situ conservation of genetic resources in Benin. International Journal of Biodiversity … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity staff research articles, Farmers, Genetic resources, Livelihoods | Leave a comment