Category Archives: Bioversity Publications

New book published: Farmers and plant breeding: current approaches and perspectives

Tveitereid Westengen, O.; Winge, T. (2019) Farmers and plant breeding: current approaches and perspectives. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Oxon (UK): Earthscan for Routledge 354 p. ISBN: 9780429507335 Permanent link to cite or share this item: External link to download this … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Food system, International, Legislation, Policies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

New book chapter: How do climate and agrobiodiversity interact?

van Etten, J. (2019) How do climate and agrobiodiversity interact? In: Zimmerer, K.S. and de Haan, S. (eds.) Agrobiodiversity: integrating knowledge for a sustainable future. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Strüngmann Forum Reports 24 p.145-161 ISBN: 978-0262038683 Permanent link to … Continue reading

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Just released: Bioversity International Annual Report 2018!

Citation Bioversity International (2019) Bioversity International Annual Report 2018. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International 16 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-137-7  Permanent link to cite or share this item: External link to download this item: ​​ Abstract The Annual Report contains highlights of Bioversity International … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, DIETS, FOOD SECURITY, International, Research | Leave a comment

New book: Agrobiodiversity Index Report 2019: risk and resilience

Bioversity International (2019) Agrobiodiversity Index Report 2019: risk and resilience. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International 182 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-125-4 Permanent link to cite or share this item: Abstract The first Agrobiodiversity Index Report assesses dimensions of agrobiodiversity in ten countries to … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Food & Nutrition, Food system, Human health, Poverty, Research | Leave a comment

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework

CGIAR Operations under the Plant Treaty Framework Crop Science. ISSN 0011-183X.  Published online 04 Apr 2019. 14 p. Noriega, I.L.; Halewood, M.; Abberton, M.; Amri, A.; Angarawai, I.I.; Anglin, N.L.; Blummel, M.; Bouman, B.; Campos, H.; Costich, D.; Ellis, D.; … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, International, Legislation, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

New book: Food Security and Climate Change

Food Security and Climate Change Shyam Singh Yadav (Editor), Robert J. Redden (Editor), Jerry L. Hatfield (Editor), Andreas W. Ebert (Editor), Danny Hunter (Editor) ISBN: 978-1-119-18064-7 – February 2019 – Wiley-Blackwell – 568 Pages Permanent link to cite or share this item: DOI: The book … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, FOOD SECURITY, Indigenous knowledge | Leave a comment

Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security.

Padulosi, S.; Sthapit, B.; Lamers, H.; Kennedy, G.; Hunter, D. (2018) Horticultural biodiversity to attain sustainable food and nutrition security. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1205 p. 21-34 ISBN: 978-94-62612-00-6 Permanent link to … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Crop wild relatives, Farmers, Food & Nutrition, Food security, Neglected and underutilised plants, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science

van Etten, J.; de Sousa, K.; Aguillar, A.; Barrios, M.; Coto, A.; Dell’acqua, M.; Fadda, C.; Gebrehawaryat, Y.; van de Gevel, J.; Gupta, A.; Kiros, A.Y.; Madriz, B.; Mathur, P.; Mengistu, D.K.; Mercado, L.; Mohammed, J.N.; Paliwal, A.; Pe`, M.E.; … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, Bioversity staff research articles, Climate change, Food security, Research | Leave a comment

Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits

Springmann, M.; Clark, M.; Mason-D’Croz, D.; Wiebe, K.; Leon Bodirsky, B.; Lassaletta, L.; de Vries, W.; Vermeulen, S.J.; Herrero, M.; Carlson, K.M.; Jonell, M.; Troell, M.; DeClerck, F.; Gordon, L.J.; Zurayk, R.; Scarborough, P.; Rayner, M.; Loken, B.; Fanzo, J.; … Continue reading

Posted in Bioversity Publications, DIETS, Food & Nutrition, Food system, Human health, Research | Tagged | Leave a comment

Biodiversity mainstreaming for healthy & sustainable food systems: A toolkit to support incorporating biodiversity into policies and programmes

Hunter, D.; Borelli, T.; Olsen Lauridsen, N.; Gee, E.; Rota Nodari, G.; Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.; Oliviera, C.; W. Wasike, V.; Samarasinghe, G.; Tan, A.; Güner, B. (2018). Biodiversity mainstreaming for healthy & sustainable food systems: A toolkit to … Continue reading

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